

This was our first game jam, and even though it was a little bit overwhelming, we had a ton of fun and learned a lot.


Creating the assets

We decided that it would be fun to try out using MagicaVoxel for creating our graphical assets. To make character models easy to import into godot tilesets we used IsoVoxel



Since none of us are artists we decided to lean into the dopiness of our characters and just wiggle the character model instead of trying to create a walking animation. This was done using the animation system of Godot. This also made it very easy to key-frame the sound of sneaky-sneak walking.

Using Polygons to set up guard paths

When placing guards in the editor we wanted to have a way to draw the patrol path for the guards. We accomplished this by placing 2D polygons and loading the vertices of the polygon as patrol points for the AIController

func register_path(poly: Polygon2D) -> void:
	var vectors : PoolVector2Array = poly.polygon
	enemy_points = []
	for vector in vectors:
		vector.y -= 28 #Offset for feet
		enemy_points.append(vector + get_parent().get_position())

For next gamejam

Even though creating assets using MagicaVoxel was fun the workflow became a bit wonky and importing new assets required a bit too much manual effort. For the next jam we would need to automate this process a bit more.

Get Steal Care Inc

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